Businessman sinking into pile of paper

The cumbersome nature of modern financial housekeeping

Financial planning has made significant strides over the past few decades giving you, as an investor today, advantages that would have been unimaginable to previous generations.

Some of the advances that have now become commonplace include:

  • Access to online financial advice
  • Low-cost investment administration options
  • Digital signature capabilities
  • Easy account aggregation software.

Those, along with global equity portfolios with no upfront fees, are all technological advancements that have streamlined even the most complex of your financial tasks, allowing for more efficient personal financial management.

Taken together, they mean that it’s easier than ever for you to implement your financial strategy in a sensible and cost-efficient manner.

The growing tangle of financial administration

Despite these advances, it’s likely that you are increasingly facing a growing burden of financial administration and housekeeping.

Though driven by well-meaning consumer protection measures, this proliferation has become counterproductive. The sheer volume of paperwork and compliance requirements can often feel like a full-time job, overwhelming even the most organised investors.

An anecdote that aptly illustrates this trend is a parent recently being required to complete a risk assessment questionnaire for their three-year-old child’s savings account. This isn’t just a quirky story; it symbolises the sometimes absurd and often frustrating world of financial administration that has been thrust upon us.

From annual “know your customer” (KYC) updates to the complex “source of wealth” forms demanded by banks, the complexity of these tasks is skyrocketing.

Much of it probably feels disconnected from your real life, as the questions asked often miss the mark, failing to capture the nuances of your true situation or understanding of the market.

A light in the maze

Worryingly, this trend is deeply embedded in our financial ecosystem and is growing denser each year. As a professional financial planner, I am increasingly concerned that most investors are not equipped to find their way through this maze.

But, as an adviser, I can play a significant role in helping you navigate this tangle of forms, procedures, and endless requests for information. While it’s clearly not my primary role, I can alleviate the anxiety that comes with this burden in three ways.

First, I can help you make sense of the administrative minefield. I can cut through the underbrush of paperwork and procedures, providing a clear path for you to follow. Knowing what you’re being asked is often half the battle, and I like to think I understand the landscape better than most.

Second, I can help protect you from the increasing number of phishing attempts designed to defraud unsuspecting victims. Financial scams are increasing, and elderly, retired investors in particular are often targeted.

Third, I can help you complete the necessary tasks, often removing many superfluous requests from your plate altogether.

Helping you transition from chaos to clarity

While personal finance has seen remarkable advances, the escalating complexity of financial administration can sometimes overshadow these benefits. This complexity can make the financial landscape seem more like a labyrinth than a clear path to help you reach financial security.

I see myself as your guide in all financial matters, ready to assist when needed. Though some financial housekeeping is unavoidable, you can navigate today’s burdens more efficiently with the help of an experienced financial planner.

By showing you the simplest way through this maze, I hope to give you more time to focus on what matters most to you and your family.

My ultimate goal is to help ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of modern financial advancements without being overwhelmed by administrative duties.

Get in touch

If you’d like to talk through your own financial plan, then please get in touch.

You can call me on 07769 156 250.

Please note

This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Equity investments do not afford the same capital security as deposit accounts.